State Steering Committee (SSC):


The State/UT Department responsible for Engineering Education will constitute a 9‐10 member State Steering Committee (SSC), composed as below:

  • Principal Secretary/Secretary responsible for Engineering Education, as the Chairperson;

  • Financial Controller of the State Department concerned with Engineering Education in the State/UT or his/her nominee;

  • Director or equivalent, Department of Higher Education, MHRD or nominee;

  • Two Industry members, nominated by major Industry Associations;

  • Three members having recognized expertise and interest in Engineering Education, nominated by the State Government;

  • One nominee of the State Private Sector Advisory Group (S‐PSAG)32; and

  • Director for Engineering Education in the State (being the head of the SPFU), as the Member‐Secretary.


The SSC will meet quarterly. Special meetings may also be convened by the Chairperson. It will be assisted in its functioning by the SPFU. The operational costs of the SSC, including sitting fees for non‐official members, will be financed by the Project through the SPFU’s budget.


The SSC will be responsible for: (a) guiding the work of the SPFU and authorizing reports to the State Government and to the National Project Directorate/NPIU; (b) short listing Institutions eligible for participation in the Project; (c) assessing and recommending Institutional and the SPFU proposals for financing under the Project; (d) overseeing operational activities within the State; (e) preparing State proposals, and forwarding these and also proposals from other entities for seeking grants under the Innovation Fund; (f) reviewing and approving foreign training and foreign study tours; and (g) taking stock of the Project and facilitating Project implementation under all Components and Sub‐components as per the proposals approved for funding by the NSC.